Saturday, July 2, 2016

Leaflet web mapping page

Status of current webmapping software project:
Have simple example mostly working (still needs custom markers), including ability to add custom locations to map from file (geoJSON - still need to work on conversion for csv to geoJSON if I want to use csv format).

I asked following two Stack Overflow questions and was helped to get past some obstacles along the way:

1. Custom markers
2. Layer control.
3. Locate feeds from different agencies and/or community groups / get people involved in making location feeds (teach them to use it or give them the page source so they can host their own).
4. Experiment with downloading the tiles for a given area (city or county) and loading the maps from the local machine's file system.
5. Possibility (with much work) to enable route mapping:

Overall, the webpage works well, first does geolocation, then shows the map where you are along with a scaling control (zoom).


Post from 12 June 2016:

So before the OpenDataSTL meeting on Tuesday, I'm going to try to get that set of code from the last meetup (well, more like that whole day prior) working. At the end of this, I should have a working template for having any website interacting with data layers (arbitrary locations with arbitrary descriptions over the map, selectable by layer from a control on the page). I think I might also download most of the map tiles for Saint Louis and have them ready for hosting via a group of community servers. Getting used to working with the tiles / hosting directly should also help with using the same kind of setup for imaginary worlds (as you walk through a video game world, your script grabs the right tile and displays it).
I think once that's done, it'll be ready for engagement by the community at large here - data acquisition / aggregation from a ton of feeds.

This seems to be some finishing touches - looks like they're thinking ahead.


21 Jan, 2016: Late New Years resolution (these have to be easy, as it's not really a way to make long term goals): This year I am going to learn how to make a really good looking web site by fully mastering CSS.
Commments: Me: I'm pretty good at making databases, writing SQL / doing backend code, but I cannot say that my user interfaces have been anything close to good looking. This year I will change that. I'm using javascript right now at work, playing with Chart.js and PapaParse.
Jason Peddicord: Haven't played with any of them. I use a couple different libraries. Bootstrap is a great place to start for CSS and even JavaScript frameworks. Handlebars is a good JavaScript formatting framework. jQuery is awesome for navigating and manipulating the DOM. D3 is great for charting and graphical data analysis or metric display.


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